Sunday, June 29, 2008

More Ink in the Globe

Today's Boston Globe Northwest Weekly section has a feature on the trail: Wheels of good fortune. The reporter toured the trail with bicycle enthusiast and activist Jack Johnson and, naturally, got a very positive view of the Minuteman and proposed connections.


Yury Kats said...

11 miles? Rather 10.

Trail Skater said...

Contrary to the milestones counting from Alewife, the trail starts at Davis Square in Somerville. Davis to Alewife gets you that extra mile.

But I see that the official bikeway site incorrectly says "11 miles from Alewife Station to Bedford". It also says "Asphalt pavement, 12 feet wide", which explains why the Globe keeps saying the trail is 12 feet wide. I haven't measured, but I think the paving is closer to 8 feet wide than 12.

Trail Skater said...

And there's also a fragment of trail that goes from near the Bedford end over to the Great Road in Bedford. I don't think that's a mile long, though.

Yury Kats said...

That fragment doesn't belong to Minuteman, it's part of the Narrow Gauge Trail that goes to Billerica.