Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HI -->

With infinite patience and a dead calm, you could build a cottonwood snowman today. It would be a milestone of ephemeral art.

At Bedford Street, Lexington

Today: 13 miles. This year: 396.1 miles.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Cottonwood Snowfall

There was a trail cleanup in Lexington too this weekend. Trashbags awaited pickup along the trail all through Lexington this morning.

When I was in grade school, near Rochester, New York, heaps and drifts of cottonwood seeds always marked the closing of school around mid-June. I don't know if the season has advanced since then or if Boston's poplars were always a bit ahead of Rochester's.

Near Tophet Swamp, Lexington


Today: 13 miles. This year: 383.1 miles.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Minuteman Trail Cleanup Tomorrow

From the ABAC mailing list:

Please join members of East Arlington Livable Streets and the Arlington Bicycle Advisory Committee as we do our yearly clean sweep of the the Minuteman trail. We will have bags, all you need to bring is a pair of gloves.

We have two groups starting at 9 am, one at Alewife that will clean to Arlington center and one that starts at the Uncle Sam statue in the center and clean to Arlington Heights. We are planning on being done by lunchtime. DPW will be removing the collected trash and recycling on Monday.

Today: 13 miles. This year: 370.1 miles.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Foliage and an Oddity

Spring foliage is well developed all along the trail. I've never seen the new growth on the evergreens so prominent and clearly delineated as it is this year.

At Bedford Depot Park

East of Woburn Street, Lexington

Of all the things I've seen lost or abandoned along the bikeway, this seems the oddest.

Near Arlington High School

Today: 11.6 miles. This year 295.6 miles.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Roll Up and Be Counted

A bikeway census worker was counting passers-by from the platform of the Lexington Depot today. There's also a Saturday survey, though I didn't think to ask if it was last Saturday or next.

I saw a barefoot runner in Lexington carrying his shoes, the first I've seen on the trail despite barefoot running's trendiness. I saw a trail user wearing Vibram Five Fingers shoes last month, but she was cycling.

Today: 11.3 miles. This year: 271 miles.